Thursday, March 01, 2007

Must Read for Breastfeeding Mothers

Breastfeeding mothers should watch their diets from the start of their pregnancy. Complex carbohydrates and whole-grain products, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal are beneficial. Take lots of fruits and vegetables as they provide vitamins A and C and minerals such as iron and magnesium.It is important to drink lots of water. Water improves digestion and absorption of food and nutrients. Taking at least eight glasses of water each day keep the mother hydrated and help prevent those painful leg and foot cramps that are extremely common during pregnancy.

Another point to note is that the more you nurse, the more milk you make. There is no need to give the breast a rest from nursing to produce more milk. A steady supply of milk is kept by expressing milk as regularly as you can. Breastfeeding mums should nurse at least nine to 10 times a day to ensure milk production.The main component in breast milk is medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), principally lauric acid. Lauric acid is also the main ingredient in coconut oil. The MCFAs in breast milk improve nutrient absorption for babies, aiding their digestion.The MCFAs also help regulate blood sugar levels and protect the baby from harmful microorganisms. These essential fatty acids are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasite. Thus the MCFAs protect the baby from infectious diseases.

This is critical as the baby’s immune system is still under-developed.Adding coconut oil to baby formula has been proven to increase weight gain. Importantly, the weight gain is due to physical growth, not fat storage. The MCFAs in coconut oil help infants to absorb needed fats for their cells to carry out their functions. Nutrient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and protein is improved in the process.The quality of human breast milk is influenced by the mother’s health and diet. It is important that the mother takes a diet rich in MCFAs. If not, the breast milk produced will not contain enough MCFAs.

As a result, the baby may be mal-nourished and become vulnerable to infectious disease.The foods rich in MCFAs include palm kernel oils and coconut oil. Pregnant women should take these oils from the beginning of their pregnancy to build up their store of MCFAs, in order to produce milk rich in MCFAs to provide maximum benefit to their babies.

By: John Goh

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